Border City Aviation

Border City Aviation is a locally owned business located in Lloydminster, Alberta, Canada, and has been in operation for over 25 years.

Services include:

  • Buying a plane
  • Pilot supplies
  • Making bookings for training
  • Charter flights
  • Rental Flights
  • Aircraft maintenance

For more information, visit their website or call 780-875-5834.

Rates and Fees 

For the Lloydminster Airport Operation and Management Bylaw 33-2023 visit the City of Lloydminster's website and for the City of Lloydminster's Fees and Charges Bylaw No. 28-2023 visit the City's website

Aircraft Landing Fee (Per 1,000 kg or fractions thereof) 2,000 kg or less - Private Free 
2,001 - 21,000 kg or less



Subject to min. landing fee

21,001 kg +  $5.00 
Schedule flights exempt from landing fees - passenger fees will apply
Minimum Landing Fee $14.20/per landing
Terminal Fee (Number of Seats) 0-6 - $0
7-12 - $25
13-20 $35
21 + - $65
Scheduled flights exempt from Terminal Fees. All other flights will be assumed to have used the terminal unless the aircraft is registered as local based
Aircraft Parking Fee First 48 hours are free
$7.20/daily $72/monthly $350/yearly*    
*pre-paid, pre-registered aircrafts
Terminal Building (Office)

Fees are negotiated separately with the City of Lloydminster





Land Lease (Hangar)

Fees are negotiated separately with the City of Lloydminster





Flight Training Unit Fee*

*Per aircraft per day.


Flights must be pre-declared with a minimum 24 hours advance notice to Lloydminster Airport Administration (

Passenger Fees (Schedule Flights) $5 per enplaning and deplaning passenger
Emergency fueling service assistance surcharge $25.00 + $0.05/litre 
After hours emergency fueling service assistance surcharge $125.00 + $0.05/litre
Call Out Fee - first two hours $125.00
Call Out Fee - after first two hours Cost Recovery (loaded rate + 15%)
Labour, equipment and materials Cost Recovery (loaded rate + 15%)
Public Vehicle Parking Fee Free
Public Vehicle Parking Fee - electrified stall 

$20.00 /week

*minimum 1 week charge


*Please note that the runway is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. 


Users of the Lloydminster Airport will be invoiced through new billing software called Alfa Airport Revenue Management System (AARMS) . The software will automatically capture all parking and terminal fees as per the schedule above. In the event that you are no longer utilizing a terminal building, please contact the Airport. 

If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact the Lloydminster Airport at 780-875-9215 or via email