My water consumption was high. How could I use this much water?
- You may have a leak. View Water Saving Tips page to learn more.
- You may be engaging in high usage activities such as: watering lawns, filling pools or hot tubs, washing vehicles.
- You may have inefficient appliances.
I moved into a smaller house, but my invoice stayed the same. Why didn’t it go down?
- The size of a house does not necessarily impact water consumption. Unless the number of users within your household increased, or you are watering a larger lawn, a larger house should not result in a higher water bill.
I have a smaller family than my neighbor, but my invoice is higher. Why isn’t it lower?
- Several factors impact usage beyond the number of users, such as: amount of showers, length of showers, type of appliances, lawn watering patterns.
I was told I have a leak, but I do not see any puddles. Where is the water going?
- Leaks typically occur within the closed plumbing system; this means that the leaking water is going down the pipes. View Water Saving Tips page to learn more.