Public Presentations/ Acknowledgements
1. Centre-Nord School Board presented a statement of support for the proposed Greater North Central Francophone Education Region No. 2 Property Tax Exemption Bylaw.
Office of the City Clerk
1. Council appointed Gerald Aalbers, Glenn Fagnan, Larry Sauer, Brian Kimmel and Viren Tailor as Assessment Review Board Members for The City of Lloydminster for a three-year period ending December 31, 2022.
Chief Financial Officer
1. Council approved the 2019 Capital Carry Forward projects to be completed in the 2020 Budget year in the amount of $17,085,697.
2. Council approved the overall surplus of $7,200,000 be allocated as follows:
a) Operating Reserves – $2,380,000
b) Capital Reserves – $4,820,000
c) Accumulated Surplus – to be determined subject to audit adjustments
Council authorized the City Manager and/or delegate to amend the amounts accordingly subject to audit adjustments.
Community Development Services
1. Council directed Administration to sell the Heritage Building, a City-owned Community Facility located at 5001 50 Avenue, Lloydminster, Sask., and that the Sales Agreement be presented at a future regular Council meeting for decision.
2. Council directed Administration to negotiate lease rates, on a 10-year term, for a facility that will provide space for the temporary relocation of the Lloydminster Cultural and Science Centre (LCSC).
Council directed Administration to host a Community Engagement session to provide members of the public information pertaining to the LCSC relocation.
1. Council approved the allocation of funds from the Offsite Levy – Water Reserve for expenses associated to the water main upsizing and tee connection to the airport in the amount of $160,287.
1. Council granted first reading to Bylaw No. 05-2020, the Greater North Central Francophone Education Region No. 2 Property Tax Exemption Bylaw.
2. Council granted first reading to Bylaw No. 07-2020, being a bylaw to approve the Downtown Area Redevelopment Plan (DARP), and direct Administration to proceed with the final engagement with impacted stakeholders within one month of the first reading of this bylaw. Council established a Public Hearing to be held at City Hall, Council Chambers, during the regular Council meeting on April 20, 2020, at 2 p.m.
3. Council granted first reading to Bylaw No. 08-2020, with a maximum borrowing amount of $5,300,000 for the City of Lloydminster’s Fire Hall construction. Council directed Administration to advertise the proposed borrowing Bylaw No. 08-2020 for two consecutive weeks prior to second and third reading as legislated.
The next City Council meeting is scheduled for Monday, March 9, 2020, at 1:30 p.m. at City Hall, Council Chambers. To view the schedule, visit
Lloydminster City Council, GPC and Special Council meetings are livestreamed at