Public Hearings
1. A public hearing was held regarding Bylaw 16-2023 Land Use Bylaw Text Amendment - UP Urban Park. No members of the public were in attendance to speak in favour or oppose the bylaw amendments. Council later granted second, third and final readings to Bylaw 16-2023.
2. A public hearing was held regarding Bylaw 15-2023 Land Use Bylaw Map Amendment, Redistricting R3-Rowhouse Residential to R4-Medium Density Residential District. No members of the public were in attendance to speak in favour or oppose the bylaw amendments. Council later granted second, third and final readings to Bylaw 15-2023, a Bylaw to amend the Land Use Map, being Part IV to Bylaw No. 5-2016 as per Schedule ‘A’ identified on page 61 of the Council agenda dated May 23, 2023.
3. A public hearing was held regarding Bylaw 18-2023 Wigfield Area Structure Plan Bylaw. Three public members were in attendance to speak in opposition to the proposed bylaw amendments, and no one spoke in favour to the proposed bylaw amendments. Council later granted second, third and final readings to Bylaw 18-2023.
4. A public hearing was held regarding Bylaw 19-2023 Land Use Bylaw Amendment, UT-Urban Transition to UP-Urban Park. Two members of the public were in attendance to oppose the bylaw amendments, and no one spoke in favour of the bylaw amendments. Council later granted second, third and final readings to Bylaw 19-2023, a bylaw to amend the Land Use Map, being Part IV to Bylaw No. 5-2016 as per Schedule ‘A’ identified on page 600 of the Council agenda dated May 23, 2023.
City Manager’s Office
1. Council awarded the contract for the Play Structure, Shelter, Splash Pad Design and Installation in the Aurora Residential Subdivision to Park N Play Design Company Ltd. of Rocky View County, Alta., in the amount of $529,082.14, excluding GST, to be allocated from the 2023 Capital Project No.: 2261208.
Office of the City Clerk
1. Council approved Policy No. 120-09, Customer Conduct Policy.
2. Council approved the appointment of Michael Diachuk as a community member to the Lloydminster and District Health Advisory Committee for a term ending December 31, 2023.
3. Council approved the sole source procurement of the Fire Priority Dispatch System to Priority Dispatch Corp. of Salt Lake City, Utah, for year one of the software in the amount of $47,351 excluding GST plus a 5% contingency allowance of $2,367.55 excluding GST, to be allocated as $42,000 from the 2023 Capital Budget Project No.: 2324101, with an additional commitment of $8,000 from the Protective Services Capital Reserve No. 1-200-250-35120.
4. Council approved the sole source procurement of the Secondary 911 Site Call Handling system to Comtech Solacom Technologies Inc. of Gatineau, Que., in the amount of $99,533.86 excluding GST, plus a contingency allowance of 5.5% in the amount of $5,474.36 excluding GST, to be allocated from Capital Budget Project No.: 2224103.
1. Council award the contract for the purchase of two Sidewalk Plows (Municipal Tractors) to Joe Johnson Equipment of Nisku, Alta., in the amount of $348,685, excluding GST, to be allocated from 2023 Capital Budget project numbers 2332052 and 2332053.
2. Council approved Policy No. 610-07, Offsite Levy Policy.
1. Council granted second, third and final readings to Bylaw No. 17-2023, Mill Rate Bylaw.
2. Council granted second, third and final readings to Bylaw No. 14-2023, the Municipal Development Plan.
The next Council meeting is scheduled for Monday, June 5, 2023, at 1:30 p.m. via livestream and in person.
Lloydminster City Council, GPC and Special Council meetings are open to the public and available at For the complete schedule, visit