Public Presentations
1. Scott Millar, executive director of the North Saskatchewan Watershed Alliance, presented an annual update.
2. Aaron Rawlake, co-chair of Lloydminster’s Saskatchewan Summer Games Host Society, presented an update on the 2024 Saskatchewan Summer Games.
Public Hearing
1. A public hearing was held regarding Bylaw No. 24-2023 Land Use Bylaw Map Amendment, Redistricting from UT-Urban Transition to C4-Commercial Shopping Centre, RD-Recreation District, and PU-Public Utility. By means of public or written submission, no members of the public were in favour or opposition to the proposed bylaw. Council later granted second, third and final readings to the bylaw.
Community Development Services
1. Council approved the capital program as presented by the 2024 Saskatchewan Summer Games Lloydminster Inc. in the amount of $250,000 to be funded from Capital Project No. 2374002 for the required capital upgrades to the City of Lloydminster and area venues that will be utilized during the 2024 Saskatchewan Summer Games.
2. Council approved the appointment of Brandy Schwenk and Boyd Laing to the Friends of Cenovus Energy Hub Committee.
3. Council approved to commit $300,000 from the Protective Services Capital Reserve (1-200-250-35120) to the RCMP Renovation for SK Crime Reduction Unit Project No. 2221001. Additionally, Council approved the award of the Lloydminster Protective Services SCRU (Saskatchewan Crime Reduction Unit) fit out to Craftex Builders (a division of Leeville Construction Ltd.), of Lloydminster, Alta., in the amount of $1,254,385, excluding GST, plus a contingency allowance of up to $89,000, excluding GST, to be allocated from the 2022 Capital Project No. 2221001 and 2224204.
City Manager’s Office
1. Council approved the City of Lloydminster enter into a Land Exchange Agreement with Robinson Acres Ltd. (Developer) and that the Subject Lands will form part of the Land Exchange Agreement, including:
Robinson Acres Ltd.
- Part of NW2-50-1-W4, as identified in Schedule “A” on pages 50-51 of the Council agenda dated Monday, September 25, 2023.
- Expansion of 52 Street to 75 Avenue & 75 Avenue Road Widening – approximately 10.04 acres
City Lands
- Lot 16; Block 4; Plan 152 4312 6202 73 Avenue, identified in Schedule “B” on pages 52-53 of the Council agenda dated Monday, September 25, 2023.
- 2.38 acres zoned Medium Industrial – I2
1. Council approved Administration commit $115,000 from the Stormwater Capital Reserve (Account No.: 1-300-350-37116) to the Capital Budget Project No. 2335016. Additionally, Council approved the award of the 2023 East Drainage Channel Upgrades – Contractor to Brodsky Construction Inc. of Saskatoon, Sask., in the amount of $2,610,038.55, excluding GST, to be allocated from the Capital Budget Project No. 2335016 and No. 2074008. In addition, Council approved a contingency allowance of 10% in the amount of $261,000, excluding GST, to be allocated from the Capital Budget Project No. 2335016 and No. 2074008.
2. Council authorized City Administration to enter into a Sole Source 15-year agreement with Veolia Water Technologies & Solutions, at an estimated annual amount of $405,000 (based on a fixed annual fee), to provide a quantity of replacement membrane modules, specified or equivalent, for use at the New Mechanical Wastewater Treatment Facility. Additionally, Council, through the 15-year agreement term, authorizes City Administration to enter into an open cost portion, up to a maximum amount of $100,000 per year, which may be used to procure additional services and/or equipment, and that on an annual basis, the City may allocate any unspent portion of the $100,000 per year toward the replacement membrane module fee or hyperinflation adjustment.
1. Council granted first, second, third and final readings to Bylaw No. 25-2023, Manufactured Homes Assessment Bylaw Amendment.
The next Council meeting is scheduled for Monday, October 2, 2023, at 1:30 p.m. via livestream and in person.
Lloydminster City Council, GPC and Special Council meetings are open to the public and available at For the complete schedule, visit