Administration Presentations
1. Administration presented the results from the 2019 Economic Development Business Survey.
The main objective of the survey was to create benchmarking data regarding the economy and economic development initiatives. The Business Survey is intended to be an annual survey and will utilize both online and telephone collection methods. The survey took place via telephone in September 2019.
The Committee accepted the survey report as information.
2. Administration presented two options for the Martin Browne Area Redevelopment Plan for feedback.
The Committee requested more information about the Martin Browne Area Redevelopment Plan but saw value in the information provided for future economic development planning.
3. Administration presented a renewal of the Airport Fuel Provider Agreement.
Administration is satisfied with the level of service being provided by PetroValue and will bring forward a request for decision to a future regular Council meeting to renew the Agreement with PetroValue for an additional three-year term.
The Committee recommended the renewal of the Airport Fuel Provider Agreement be brought forward to a future regular Council meeting for decision.
4. Administration presented the proposed changes for the Parks and Green Spaces Fees and Rental Rates. The last review and changes to fees and rental rates was in 2017.
Administration explained the fees and rental rates within the City are competitive with other municipalities.
The Committee recommended the proposed Parks and Green Spaces Fees and Rental Rates be brought forward to a future Council meeting for decision.
5. Administration presented information relating to an application submitted for Retail Sales and Spiritual Healing within a Direct Control District.
An application was received by Administration on November 21, 2019, to review a proposed business at 5010 – 46 Street for the use of retail sales and spiritual healing.
Since the lands are Direct Control, Administration advertised the application in the local paper on November 28, 2019, and letters were mailed to abutting land owners within 30 metres of the subject lands as required by Land Use Bylaw 5-2016. No concerns were received.
The Committee recommended the proposed use application be brought forward to a future Council meeting for decision.
6. Administration brought forward the Vermilion River Regional Alliance (VRRA) membership. The VRRA is a group of members who encourage tourism and economic development throughout the region. The item was brought forward for the Committee to hold a discussion on whether to continue to cancel the membership.
The Committee requested additional information on the VRRA membership to assist with their decision.
The next Council meeting is Monday, January 27, 2020, at 1:30 p.m. at City Hall, Council Chambers. For the complete schedule, visit
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